Gen. II+ CommGrade (S1100) Ø43mm

Cate­go­ry: 43 mm tubes

Tube wit­hout image inversion

The Com­mer­cial Gra­de tube, as the name impli­es, is a tube which is inten­ded for commercial/civil pur­po­ses. The­se tubes were sor­ted out during the pro­duc­tion, sin­ce they did not meet one or seve­ral of important requi­red, important para­me­ters for the extre­me­ly high set mili­ta­ry spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. This gra­da­ti­on is inten­ded by manu­fac­tu­rer for commercial/civil mar­kets. The pri­ce-per­for­mance ratio of the­se tubes is also excel­lent and the­r­e­fo­re, it pro­vi­des a favorable ent­ry-opti­on into the world of High-End image inten­si­fier tubes. Wit­hout any tech­ni­cal tools, the non-ful­fil­led para­me­ter values are hard­ly visi­ble by the human eye, using the night visi­on device. In the majo­ri­ty of cases the reason for the down­gra­de of the clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of Com­mer­cial Gra­de tubes, is the abo­ve-avera­ge load of black spots and tur­bid loca­ti­ons – which are inde­ed not con­form with mili­ta­ry spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. The­se side effects are basi­cal­ly not a dis­ad­van­ta­ge at all – they can be descri­bed as cos­me­tic defects, sin­ce they are unno­ti­ceable in the field of view during the night observations.

Pri­ce list

Do you have ques­ti­ons about this item or would you like to order it?


  • Auto­ma­tic bright­ness con­trol (ABC)
  • Bright source pro­tec­tion (BSP)

General technical data according to specification:

Type name Gen. II+ Com­mer­cial Gra­de (S1100)
Tube dia­me­ter 43mm
Phos­phor P22/P43
Input win­dow Glass
Out­put window Non inver­ting fibre-optic
Type of contacts Pin cont­acts
Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on On request
Dra­wing On request
Para­me­ters mini­mum typi­cal maxi­mum unit
FOM (per­for­mance value of a tube) 1102
Limi­ting resolution 58 lp/mm
S/N (signal to noi­se ratio) at 108μlx 19
Catho­de sen­si­ti­vi­ty at 2850K 550 μA/lm
Lumi­nan­ce, gain at 2×10-6 fc 25000 fl/fc
MTTF (ope­ra­tio­nal life) 2000 10000 hours
IR wave­length ope­ra­ting range 350 900 nm
Radi­ant sen­si­ti­vi­ty at 800nm mA/W
Radi­ant sen­si­ti­vi­ty at 850nm 45 mA/W
MTF at 2,5 lp/mm %
MTF at 7,5 lp/mm %
MTF at 15 lp/mm %
MTF at 25 lp/mm %
MTF at 30 lp/mm %
Useful catho­de diameter 17,5 mm
Out­put uni­for­mi­ty at 2850K
HALO size (illu­mi­na­ti­on spot 0,2mm) mm
Maxi­mum out­put brightness 2 17 cd/m2
E.B.I. (equi­va­lent back­ground illumination) μlx
SchoS­hock resistancekfestigkeit 500 G
Weight 85 gram

Maxi­mum num­ber of spots accor­ding to specification:

Spots dia­me­ter in micrometers zone 1
zone 2
zone 3
> 380 0 0 0
300 − 380 0 1 1
230 − 300 0 1 2
150 − 230 1 2 4
75 − 150 3 7 12
75 mini­mal mini­mal mini­mal

All regu­lar artic­les have a 14 days right of return and 5 years gua­ran­tee, with a ser­vice address in the Ger­ma­ny! Except Com­mer­cial Gra­de models, the­se devices are cover­ed by the gene­ral 2 years guarantee.

Product request

Do you have any ques­ti­ons about the item, how it works, purcha­se or simi­lar? Then wri­te us your request.
We will take care of it imme­dia­te­ly and cont­act you using the cont­act details provided.

    I have read the Pri­va­cy Poli­cy and I agree.