• Jagd bei Nacht

Guarantee conditions / Guarantee +

The fol­lo­wing war­ran­ty con­di­ti­ons do not affect the legal war­ran­ty obli­ga­ti­ons of the sel­ler ari­sing from the purcha­se con­tract with the customer.

We pro­vi­de a war­ran­ty for new devices in accordance with the fol­lo­wing conditions:

1. con­di­ti­ons of the guarantee

We will repair or replace free of char­ge any defects in the device which are due to a mate­ri­al and/or manu­fac­tu­ring defect if they are repor­ted to us imme­dia­te­ly upon dis­co­very and within 24 months (max. 60 months) from the date of invoi­cing to the purcha­ser. Buy­er in the sen­se of the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons is whoe­ver has purcha­sed an Alpha Pho­to­nics device as the first con­su­mer or entre­pre­neur from a dea­ler or Alpha Pho­to­nics con­trac­tu­al partner.

2 Exclu­si­on of the warranty

2.1 The war­ran­ty does not cover access­ories such as bat­te­ries and accu­mu­la­tors. Parts that are sub­ject to ope­ra­tio­nal wear and tear.

2.2 A war­ran­ty obli­ga­ti­on shall not be trig­ge­red by minor devia­ti­ons from the nomi­nal con­di­ti­on which are insi­gni­fi­cant for the per­for­mance and sui­ta­bi­li­ty for use of the device, or by the effects of che­mi­cals, elec­tro­che­mi­cal effects of water, abnor­mal ope­ra­ting con­di­ti­ons (e.g. ambi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re, unsui­ta­ble sub­s­tances). Despi­te the hig­hest pos­si­ble stan­dards, minor visu­al imper­fec­tions (spots) can still occur in the com­plex manu­fac­tu­re of image inten­si­fier tubes and dis­plays. Infor­ma­ti­on on this can be found in the artic­le descrip­ti­on for image inten­si­fier tubes under “Per­mis­si­ble spot expo­sure accor­ding to spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons”. The­se visi­ble spots of inter­fe­rence do not affect the per­for­mance of your unit; this does not trig­ger a war­ran­ty obligation.

2.3 Simi­lar­ly, no gua­ran­tee can be given if the defects in the unit are due to trans­port dama­ge for which we are not respon­si­ble, impro­per instal­la­ti­on and assem­bly, misu­se, lack of care or fail­ure to obser­ve ope­ra­ting or assem­bly instructions.

2.4 The war­ran­ty cla­im expi­res if the unit is chan­ged, repai­red and/or modi­fied by unaut­ho­ri­sed per­sons wit­hout per­mis­si­on. The seri­al num­ber of the pro­duct, the com­pon­ents has been chan­ged, remo­ved or destroyed.

3. Con­tent and use of the war­ran­ty service

3.1 The war­ran­ty ser­vice is pro­vi­ded in such a way that defec­ti­ve parts are repai­red free of char­ge or repla­ced by fault­less parts at our discretion.

3.2 If the pro­duct is no lon­ger available, we reser­ve the right to replace it with a com­pa­ra­ble pro­duct, which may have minor devia­ti­ons in terms of design and pro­duct specifications.

3.3 The loss of light sen­si­ti­vi­ty or con­trast depen­ding on the ope­ra­ting time in the case of image inten­si­fier tubes or sen­sors does not con­sti­tu­te a fail­ure of the equip­ment and the­r­e­fo­re does not con­sti­tu­te a case of warranty.

3.4 In each case, the pro­of of purcha­se with the date of purcha­se and/or deli­very must be pre­sen­ted. Repla­ced parts beco­me our property.

4. Repla­ce­ment delivery

If we refu­se or fail to rec­ti­fy the defect, a repla­ce­ment of equal value will be sup­pli­ed free of char­ge within the abo­ve-men­tio­ned war­ran­ty peri­od at the customer’s request.

5. other provisions

5.1 Fur­ther or other claims, in par­ti­cu­lar tho­se for com­pen­sa­ti­on for dama­ge occur­ring out­side the device, are excluded unless lia­bi­li­ty is man­da­to­ri­ly pre­scri­bed by law.

5.2 A cla­im under the gua­ran­tee does not extend or renew the gua­ran­tee period.

5.3 The­se war­ran­ty con­di­ti­ons app­ly to devices purcha­sed in the EU and Switzerland.

Siegel 5 JahreGua­ran­tee extension

We offer a regu­lar 2‑year war­ran­ty on image inten­si­fier tubes, night visi­on devices and ther­mal visi­on devices mark­ed as Com­mer­cial Gra­de (Comm­Gra­de) models. In addi­ti­on, we also offer war­ran­ty exten­si­ons for Comm­Gra­de models from 2 years to a maxi­mum of 5 years. For each addi­tio­nal year we char­ge 299 €, if you are inte­res­ted plea­se cont­act us.

Sta­te: 2019-02-01